Thursday, December 27, 2007

Playstation games on your iPhone? Yes and no.

Yes. You can play (some) PlayStation 1 games on your iPhone. If:

* You feel cleverness trumps quality of gameplay (the hack may be elegant, but the gameplay doesn't appear to be)
* Your iPhone has been jailbroken (prematurely "opened" to allow installation of third-party applications)
* Legality isn't of much concern (this should require no explanation)

Still reading? An iPhone application called pxs4iphone brings PlayStation 1 gaming to the iPhone if you're fine with the caveats above. YouTube videos and postings on the developer's forum do demonstrate the application being installed and games running. The reality: the majority of games that will run don't replicate the PlayStation experience—they are running notably slower than the native PS1 games. Even with emulator tweaks (frame skipping, etc.) and iPhone overclocking this early release of psx4iphone trails behind PlayStation performance.

Will psx4iphone improve? Undoubtedly. Even without major rewrites of psx4iphone, hardware improvements alone would eventually make it plausible. For the mainstream, however, the future of gaming on the iPhone and iPod Touch will take a different form (in fact, require it).


* psx4iphone forum
* psx4iphone forum thread with psx4iphone application download
* iClarified's psx4iphone installation guide

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